So I Go Through: Works by L Morgan Kelley

Oct 5, 2022
So I Go Through Work by L. Morgan Kelley September 30, 2022 - October 30, 2022 Ventures Gallery Opening Reception: Friday, September 30, 2022 (5pm to 7pm). “In every moment there is a spectrum of presence, between such states as stillness and motion, connection and detachment, intention and aimlessness, observation and participation. Within this spectrum, the presence experienced is in constant, flowing conversation with differing physical environments and mental spaces. In “so I go through,” each work of metal draws an image on the wall of a creature of being and its interaction within some physical, emotional environment. These works transition through moments, cumulatively revealing a piece by piece narrative of a navigation towards increased presence and engagement. The creatures have early moments of listless hanging or aimless drifting but find their way later towards confronting and going through obstacles, leaning away from dissociation and into engagement, both physically and mentally. Throughout their navigation are repeated moments of introspection, often preluded by some moment of sharpness, whereupon afterwards, taking a moment to rest, reflect, realign, and reroute leads ultimately to a greater presence of clarity, intention, and playfulness.” Venue: Rehoboth Art League.
So I Go Through: Works by L Morgan Kelley